Understanding the Differences: Normal LED vs Full Spectrum LED Grow Light

When moving over to the B2B side of commercial vertical farming, creating the right kind of system for plants is such a big deal. Outside, they soak up all the sunlight they need to thrive and flourish but once you move them inside, or into a greenhouse, things can get a little more complicated.

In the ever-growing market of indoor farming, commercial LED Grow lights serve as a sustainable and economical solution. However, there are so many types of LEDs available and you need to be very clear whether we’re talking about LED or FULL SPECTRUM LED.

So, the real question is–what really helps plants grow best? That’s exactly what we’re diving into. Today in this blog, we’ll break down the differences between these two types of lights and how they affect plant growth. Stick around as we explore how the right lighting can help your plants—and your business—flourish!

What are Normal LEDs?

Normal LED grow lights, also known as standard or general-purpose grow lights, are the ones that typically shine in red and blue, so you get only the specific wavelength growth spectrum. Unlike full spectrum LEDs, they fall short in giving you complete wavelength coverage however, they’re great for getting plants started, kind of like giving them a little boost.

They won’t give plants all the colors they need to grow big and strong, but they’re perfect for helping them get their leaves going and start growing taller.

Common Applications of Normal LED Grow Lights in the B2B Plant Growing Market

When it comes to B2B indoor farming, Regular LED grow lights make sense in greenhouses, hydroponic systems, and indoor farming setups

They are good for businesses that need to grow lettuce, herbs, and selective veggies that do not need to thrive under full-spectrum lighting specifications. Nurseries, commercial growers, or even retailers that deal in plant sales make the most of these lights to support plants’ early-stage growth.

Similarly, they’re most preferable when businesses are more concerned about benefiting from the cost-effectiveness of these lights to nurture plants without relying on full sunlight.

Advantages of Using Normal LED Grow Lights in Commercial Settings

Things like standard vertical LED grow lights offer many advantages for large plant-growing operations.

At first, they’re the most power-efficient light source that uses less electricity while still emitting ample light for the growth of your plants. Sounds incredible. Right?

Secondly, they last long, which makes it feasible for businesses to save on their maintenance expenses.

On top of that, they also emit less heat than your typical grow light (9000 BTU) so you’ll have optimal growing temperatures and a stable environment with fewer chances of overheating.

They might not be as fancy as some of the newer, high-tech options like those under-canopy LED lights for a full-grown plant, you can count on these commercial LEDs if you really want to support early plant growth without going into sophisticated lighting systems.

What are Full Spectrum LEDs?

Full spectrum LED grow lights, as it indicates, are light models that aim to simulate the full range of colors present in natural sunlight, allowing for a balanced amount of light for all phases of plant growth.

As we mentioned, unlike regular LED grow lights that often focus on specific bands like red light, blue light, or others, full spectrum LED lights, like Under canopy LEDs by Nanolux, will emit a more wider range of wavelengths—from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR).

Providing a “full spectrum” of light simply means ones that replicate natural sunlight much more closely — allowing plants to photosynthesize, and carry out other important processes as they would under the open sky. These LEDs cover the full light spectrum so they give plants everything from seedling to harvest needed for robust growth and bigger yields.

Why Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights are Great for Different Industries

These led full spectrum grow light tend to be a game-changer for all retailers who get involved in indoor plant cultivation. These types of LEDs have been demonstrated to support healthy, robust plant development in the agricultural industry, most relevant in growth conditions related to vertical farming and commercial greenhouses.

They provide plants with just the right amount of light they need at each growth stage, from root formation and leafy growth to blooming and fruiting. As a result, plants are able to grow faster and more efficiently — resulting in higher crop yields, alongside crops of better quality.

Plus, Full-spectrum grow lights are used in research labs for the purpose of conducting plant studies, offering consistent conditions that make experiments more reliable.

Cannabis growers love them too, as they help maximize plant growth and quality. Plus, interior landscapers use full spectrum LEDs to keep indoor plants looking vibrant and healthy, even in spaces without natural light.

How Full Spectrum LEDs Stack Up Against Natural Sunlight

Full spectrum LED grow lights are actually pretty close to mimicking natural sunlight on a greater scale. Modern full-spectrum LEDs, like the ones Nanolux offers, allow you to have consistency and complete control over the full daily wavelength range provided by sunlight.

Plant Businesses can have control over the intensity, duration, and wavelengths by adjusting these lights to maximize plant growth at any stage. Such control is perfect for indoor farming during the rest of the year, especially in places where little sun shines.

Also, the heat intensity from direct sunlight can make it hard to keep the optimal growing temperature but full spectrum LED grow lights create a more uniform coverage and help plants stay cool.

On the other hand, These lights come in handy as natural light may not always be available due to weather changes or unwanted sunlight angles.

In short, Full spectrum LED grow lights fill the gap between artificial lighting and sun, making them a go-to-light source for industries focused on agriculture, horticulture, and plant research.

So, Offering a solid, agile, and powerful replacement for sunshine is its promising essence for stable production. What’s better than an opportunity that enables you to customize spectral outputs and intensities so it can pay off efficiencies with improved quality and mass yields for cultivators?

Key Differences Between Normal LEDs and Full Spectrum LEDs

To help you out with the confusion between the two lighting setups–Normal versus Full spectrum LED grow light, here’s a table illustrating every aspect in detail.

AspectNormal LEDsFull-Spectrum LEDs
Spectral DistributingOffer specific wavelengths (e.g., red, blue)Offers a full range of wavelengths, including UV to IR, closer to natural sunlight
Color Rendering Index (CRI)Typically lower CRI; good for specific wavelengths speciesHigher CRI, closely mimics natural sunlight for better plant color and health
Energy EfficiencyGenerally efficient but may not maximize growth potential; could result in higher operational costsHigh energy efficiency, designed to optimize plant growth and reduce overall energy consumption
Light CoverageMay require multiple units to cover the entire growing area; effective for targeted applications   Provides uniform coverage across the spectrum, reducing the need for multiple lights
Intensity and Growth StagesSuitable for basic growth stages but may need additional units for complete growth cycle supportSupports all plant growth stages effectively, from seedlings to flowering, optimizing overall growth
Heat OutputProduces some heat; can increase cooling costs if not managedMinimal heat output compared to traditional lighting, reducing cooling costs and improving growing conditions
LifespanLong-lasting but may require replacements sooner if not suited for all growth stagesTypically very durable with an extended lifespan, reducing replacement costs and downtime
CustomizabilityFixed spectrum, limited adjustmentsOften customizable, allowing adjustments to spectrum and intensity to meet specific plant needs, enhancing flexibility
Initial CostLower initial cost, making it a budget-friendly optionHigher initial cost but offers greater long-term benefits and cost savings through improved efficiency and output
Application SuitabilityBest suited for high-volume, low-maintenance crops or specific niche applicationsIdeal for diverse growing environments, including high-end greenhouses, cannabis cultivation, and specialized research
Usage ExamplesUrban hydroponic farms, educational labs, basic commercial setupsAdvanced greenhouses, cannabis cultivation facilities, research labs, and high-performance indoor gardens
Installation and SetupPretty easy to put up, often with a straightforward setupMay require more detailed planning and setup, but provides superior performance and efficiency

Applications and Case Studies

Normal LED Grow Lights: When They Shine

Normal LED grow lights offer an easy solution for various commercial and industrial applications where basic plant lighting is sufficient.

For instance, these grow lights are commonly used for growing leafy greens such as lettuce and spinach in hydroponic urban farms. Since they are efficient and cost-effective, they are perfect for handling high-volume and low-maintenance crops.

A notable example is of the vertical farm in the middle of the city that makes use of regular LED grow lights to have fresh greens for local markets. These lights contribute towards consistent growth at low energy consumption, making them a viable solution for space-constrained high-density farming.

Another use case of Normal LED grow lights is found within academic institutions and research labs. Traditional LED grow lights are intended for trials and educational demonstrations that enhance understanding of plant growth but do not deliver optimal yields.

Thanks to their low price and ease of use, they are commonly deployed in this kind of environment where much more of the focus is to teach rather than to grow maximum yield from vegetation.

Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights: Advantages in Action

A full spectrum LED grow light thrives best in situations where plants need a wider variety of light wavelengths in order for them to thrive at their best. In the case of high-value commercial greenhouses growing a range of fruits and flowers, full-spectrum LEDs produce the entire spectrum of light needed to promote strong plant development from sprouting all the way through flowering stages.

A major organic tomato grower, for example, employs full-spectrum LEDs for the production of extra value so he can better earn maximum return.

Even For cannabis growing, commercial full-spectrum LEDs are ideal for their ability to support the plant’s unique light requirements from veg through flowering. One of the leading cannabis grow facilities uses full spectrum LEDs to cultivate some of the most high-quality and potent cannabis available. They keep the plants happy and healthy, so they can produce the best possible buds. It’s like having a secret weapon in a competitive market.

Full-spectrum LEDs also have their place in botanical research and specialized indoor gardens. For example, a laboratory that researches rare and peculiar plant species will require full spectrum lighting to create a natural environment as well as maintain the health of the delicate plants. With the capability for more nuanced tuning of light spectrum and intensity, greater sensitivity plants are ensured to receive appropriate growing conditions for growth and reproduction.

Choosing the Right LED for Your Business Needs

Key Things to Consider When Picking LED Grow Lights

When thinking about grabbing LED grow lights for your businesses, it’s not always taking hold of what’s come first. Instead, some key considerations need your utmost attention. Here’s the detail.

Light Spectrum: Do your plants need the full range of light (like they’d get from the sun), or can they thrive with LEDs that focus on specific colors like red or blue? Full spectrum LEDs are better if you’re growing a variety of plants or need lights that support them throughout their whole growth cycle. Normal LEDs might work if you’re only focusing on certain types of crops.

Light Intensity And Coverage: When picking out LEDS, only select ones that can cover the complete grow area with adequate intensity. The way full spectrum LEDs spread light also tends to be more uniform, so this can be particularly helpful for larger setups. You will need to ensure that your plants receive enough light all the way from start to finish.

Energy Efficiency: Look for lights that are energy-efficient to help cut down on your electricity bills. LEDs that don’t produce too much heat are also great since they reduce the need for extra cooling.

Durability: Select LED lights that are intended for prolonged utilization. Because the longer they continue, the fewer replacements you’ll have to deal with — so no more spending money on it over and over again.

Adjustability: Some LED grow lights, such as those offered by Nanolux, permit you to adjust the spectrum and intensity for the best lighting possible. Go for this incredible feature if you intend to grow various types of plants or you often have to change the light throughout different growth stages.

Environment, Goals, and Cost: What Matters Most?

Environment: Have you got a space indoors with little to no natural sunlight? If so, full-spectrum LEDs are probably your best bet because they mimic sunlight. If your space already gets a lot of natural light, normal LEDs could get the job done.

Operational Goals: What’s your main goal? If you’re after top-quality crops or bigger yields, full-spectrum LEDs might be worth the investment. If you’re more focused on keeping costs down and growing simpler plants, normal LEDs might work just fine.

Cost: We all know budget matters. Full spectrum LEDs might cost more upfront, but they usually pay off with better plant quality and bigger yields. If your budget is tight and you don’t need all the extra features, normal LEDs might give you the best value. It’s important to think about long-term returns on your investment too.

Tips for Setting Up LED Lights in Your Business

Asses What You Have: Review your existing infrastructure and consider what you’ve that could make things better. Is it time for you to switch out a whole unit or can it simply be fitted with new LED overhead lights?

Proper Installation: The lights you’re going to install need to be set up properly in order to offer good coverage for your plants with no blank points. Check if you want to have a professional come in and help get everything installed properly.

Watching and Adjusting Your Plants: After you have your lights installed, constantly watch your plants. Play with the settings to see what works best for you. Many full spectrum LED grow lights are controllable and provided so fine tune away!

Stay Updated: Improvements are always being made on LED tech. Make it a habit to check out the latest innovations to make sure you’re always getting the most out of your lighting setup.


Whether scrolling through Normal LEDs vs commercial Full Spectrum grow lights, nothing matters the most more than one indicator: Which is better suited to the cultivation goals of your business?

Remember, both kind of LEDs have their underlying advantages that are somehow supportive for you in the long run. Normal LEDS can be the best solution for if you are looking for simpler and basic grow lighting. But if you want something that has a bit more going on and is closer to natural sunlight for better results, Full-spectrum LEDs are the way to go.

Want to get started? Visit Nanolux Today for consultation or lighting needs. So, we will guide you in finding the best fit and everything else with your Plant Growth to be successful.